Clear Quartz Laser Aura Palm
Healing & Energy Amplification
Known as the ‘master healer’, clear quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifying crystal. This stone balances the chakras, cleanses the aura, absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy and facilitates in releasing any energy blockages. Clear quartz is a rockstar among crystals as it is believed to manifest your intentions & illuminate the spirit. Use quartz to cleanse, dispel negative energy and allow pure energy to manifest.
Aura Quartz crystals achieve their shimmering iridescent colours through modern techniques bonding micros of precious metals to a crystal's surface. By placing the crystals in a chamber applying heat and pressure, the metal vapors create a chemical reaction that produces a beautiful metallic rainbow sheen. The synergy of the precious metals and quartz' amplifying properties creates a powerful crystal to brighten your aura and uplift the energy for your home or space.